On March 15th 2016, we went to the place where the anarchist comrade Javier Recabarren fell dead [on March 18th 2015] and threw dozens of flyers in his memory with the intention of actively remembering him, of bringing him out in the street during this week of agitation – the […]
Daily Archives: March 18, 2016
We now have a pgp key to use for encrypted communication, for those of you who may wish to use it or require it. Click here to download it in .asc text format (armored). Obviously, we still receive unencrypted emails at contrainfo[at]espiv.net. You can also submit texts anonymously by using […]
Received March 18th: On 15th of March the Pyhäjoki anti-nuclear protest camp participated the International Day Against Police Brutality with a banner drop and by serving two private Fennovoima-Rosatom security guards and a police officer with cream pies. The little goodwill demonstration encouraged the public to remember the dangers environmental […]
On February 25th just passed, a branch of the Federal Department for the Environment in Bern was attacked with paint. From February 22nd until 28th, a callout was made for an international week of action against technological nuisances and the world that produces them. It’s in this context that, on […]