A few people in Paris are working on making sure there will be a medic space during the COP21, and on facilitating communication amongst medic teams and with the groups who will be present at the different actions. The general idea is to be able to coordinate as well as […]
Daily Archives: November 21, 2015
3 posts
November 12th rioting: Riots broke out in the streets of central Athens on November 12th 2015, day of general strike. Before the morning demonstration, hooded protesters chased a team of uniformed cops who were patrolling on foot near the Archeological Museum, in Patission Street, and beat up at least one […]
On Sunday morning, November 1st 2015, Agros squat in Tritsis Park came once again under fascist arson attack. The damage was small and is being restored. The fact that their attacks include setting fire inside the park – a rare place, life-giving lung for residents of the surrounding areas, rare […]