Thursday 12th March 2015 from 7pm
Vegan food at La Rage Ga, Marseille
For address email : laragega[at]riseup.net
On February 24th, 2015, anarchist prisoner Emma Sheppard was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment at Bristol Crown Court for “committing criminal damage recklessly endangering life.” The charge relates to damage of police cars in the Bristol area.
This is the first conviction under Operation Rhone; an investigation led by 10 CID officers to investigate over 100 actions of anonymous attack in the Bristol area over the past four years, gather intelligence on the broader anarchist movement, as well as hunting for the fugitive comrade Badger, who fled in August 2011.
However, Emma’s arrest and guilty plea relating to a sabotage on New Year’s Eve appears to be a stand-alone case and was not the result of Op Rhone work – even if they got involved afterwards.
Support website : bristolabc.wordpress.com/support-emma