the top banner reads: “Maximum security prisons, concentration camps…
Crush the new totalitarianism. Fire to the hellholes”;
the other banner reads: “Invisible and visible prison bars…
The prison society smiles at you. –Anarchists’ Assembly of Larissa”
Draft bill on new Type-C maximum security prisons will be put to a vote within a week. The Greek parliament is in summer recess; the recess section (consisting of one third of the total number of MPs) is scheduled to vote the bill on Thursday the 3rd of July 2014.
Below are the hunger strikers (per prison) who continue to participate in the nationwide mobilization against the operation of a Greek Guantanamo in Domokos prison:
Koridallos (Athens): 1,480 prisoners
Patras: 550 prisoners
Grevena: 400 prisoners
Larissa: 330 prisoners
Domokos: 300 prisoners
Chania (Crete): 280 prisoners
Nigrita (Serres): 200 prisoners
Amfissa: 200 prisoners
Corfu: 120 prisoners
Trikala: 120 prisoners
Malandrino: 120 prisoners
Avlonas: 100 juvenile prisoners
Kos: 60 prisoners
Corinth: 50 prisoners
Nafplion: 50 prisoners
In Alikarnassos (Crete), all inmates abstain from prison food.
Also, on June 26th, another court session at Koridallos was interrupted, because all of the CCF imprisoned members on trial are currently on hunger strike against the fascist bill of the ministry of Justice.
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