On the morning of June 17th, Kostas Sakkas was evacuated from the Koridallos prison’s hospital to the general hospital of Nikaia, in Piraeus. The comrade is in critical condition.
Message from a fellow prisoner in struggle, on Corfu Island, in solidarity with Kostas Sakkas:
I stand in solidarity with the struggle of hunger striker Kostas Sakkas, and as a minimal display of my solidarity, I stop receiving prison meals as of today, June 17th. As is known, Kostas Sakkas is on strike since the 4th of June, and puts himself in the ultimate test of not taking food, fighting against the attempt of Power—targeted against any anarchist militant—to destroy its enemies… The extension of his 30-month pretrial detention shows the audacity of authorities to violate their own laws in order to serve terrorism and abolition of every individual right.
The passion for freedom is stronger than all prison cells!
Solidarity with the hunger striker Kostas Sakkas!
Elias Karadouman
Corfu prison