Germany: Solidarity with Sibylle S., Sonja Suder and Christian Gauger

Since September 2012 the trial against Sonja Suder and Christian Gauger is underway at the Frankfurt federal court. In this context, two women are currently imprisoned. Sonja is in custody since September 2011. Sibylle S. was called as a witness in the trial case but firmly denied to give any statements. For this reason, on April 9th, 2013 she was held for contempt of court under coercive detention (Beugehaft) that may last up to six months.

On April 30th in Berlin, during the Walpurgis Night anti-capitalist demo against racism and social exclusion in the district of Wedding, a large solidarity banner was unfolded from the rooftop of a house on the corner of Wiesenstrasse with Pankstrasse as the demonstration passed. While fireworks rose into the sky, the demonstrators could read: ‘Freedom for Sonja, Christian and Sibylle! Fight the coercive detention! Solidarity with the prisoners!’ with a big RZ star in the middle (symbol of the Revolutionary Cells).

Before the banner-action, a text was read out regarding the trial against Sonja and Christian in Frankfurt. Also, fliers were spread concerning the situation of Sibylle, who had refused to testify in the court hearings and was recently put in custody.

The new song by Yok could be heard from a sound system, ‘1,000 reasons for the revolt,’ which addresses the case of Sonja and Christian and ends with the verse: ‘A good life for Sonja and Christian outside the walls!’

Exactly! Freedom and happiness for all!

sources: a, b, c

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