Florina, Northern Greece: Solidarity with the 4 remanded anarchists, accused in bank robbery case
On February 11th, 2013 we placed a banner in the city of Florina in solidarity with the 4 comrades accused in the Velventos–Kozani bank robbery case. Strength, comrades! You give strength back to us.
For as long as the war is raging, you will keep finding us unrepentant against Power. Long live anarchy!
Raised fist for the unrepentant anarchist combatants Romanos, Bourzoukos, Politis, MichailidisLong live anarchy, you scumbags! (+door of local courts paint-bombed)Strength to ‘the 4 of Kozani’Cops, judges, politicians, you have no reason to sleep calm
February 12th, 2013: Text by anarchists Nikos Romanos, Dimitris Politis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos and Yannis Michailidis,here