In the early hours of Thursday, October 11th, a direct action group carried out an incendiary attack on a local branch of the political party Democratic Left (Dimokratiki Aristera), offices located on Ethnikis Antistaseos street in the neighbourhood of Kaisariani. This party, led by Fotis Kouvelis, is part of the […]
Daily Archives: October 11, 2012
3 posts
[vimeo][/vimeo] Leah’s public statement “WE ARE MADE OF ST(A)R STUFF” on video. Leah-Lynn Plante was subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury, refused to cooperate, and was imprisoned for civil contempt on October 10th, 2012. Send mail to Leah, KteeO and Matt: Leah-Lynn Plante #42611-086 Katherine Olejnik #42592-086 Matthew […]
LIVING IN TIMES OF TOTALITARIAN DEMOCRACY Following the summer campaign against immigrants, sarcastically named ‘Xenios Zeus’ that continues nationwide to date, with tens of thousands of detentions and arrests, the enemy within was targeted for repression and compliance, just as expected. So, after the first ‘warm-up’ with the Hollywoodian invasion of […]