Our hearts are beating for Love and Rebelliousness. Beating when feeling alive, when doing praxis out of our lives, neither waiting for nor expecting nothing. Waiting is for cowards. Our wish of taking back our lives moves us to action.
From Buenos Aires, in the Argentine State, we join the call to propaganda actions against repression from Contra Info by claiming the following actions:
August 1st: At around 22.30 (UTC-3), a smoke bomb exploded some meters away from the Police Headquarters of Pilar.
August 8th: A banner was draped around a low level crossing with the quotes: “While misery exists, there will be rebellion. Only struggle will set us free”.
August 9th: A banner was dropped some meters away from the General Lemos Combat Support School, located in the disgusting Campo de Mayo (a military base). It reads: “Against prison society. Freedom to all the prisoners”. When leaving, we distributed fliers. In the late evening, we pasted stickers and did scratches in a bourgeois neighborhood.
We acted under the eyes of the tyrants, those who do not sleep, stuck to their windows, watching all of our “suspicious” movements, dying to report. They like so much playing to be the authority! They love it! Being the good citizens they were ordered to be in the morning, while they watched TV, before going off to see how their lives are stolen in their workplaces.
We attacked thinking of our brothers and sisters. Those who are behind the bars, under the watchful eye of the enemy, but certainly not defeated. Those who are underground, slipping past the eyes of Authority. Those who are conspiring, right now, to carry out the next blow. Our greetings for all of them and a very special one to all those imprisoned from the Informal Anarchist Federation and the International Revolutionary Front.
With Mauricio Morales and all the fallen in combat in our minds.