‘Go find yourself a revolver; the sooner the better. Buy, borrow or rob one. You should be armed, that’s the point. When the working class, conscious and armed, demands their rights to life and freedom, then you will see how the thrones and tyrants fall. As long as you keep screaming like a fool in the streets, begging for bread and justice, you will see how the bullets rain down on your head. I put an end. By finding yourself a revolver and advising others to prepare for the Revolution, you’ll see the revival of a new dawn for the world. Go find yourself a revolver!’
—from a text originally published in the periodical El Comunista/The Communist of the bakers of Santiago, under the pen name Juan Levadura/‘Yeast’
2 thoughts on “Santiago de Chile 1921: ‘Go find yourself a revolver!’”
Just a reminder that the full text of this short pamphlet written by Chilean anarchist Efraín Plaza Olmedo can be found in English at:
Check the image above ;-) That was our intention with the photo’s caption.