Ten comrades conduct hunger strike to date, namely the prisoner Spyros Dravilas, eight of the 9 CCF imprisoned members, as well as the anarchist revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos.
you may read previous updates: i, ii, iii

Olga Ekonomidou announces beginning of hunger strike as of 30/4:
One year and one month in prison for me.
You never forget the date of your arrest. It is a hub of forced change. It was the point where it looked like you were leaving a home, plans, equipment, ideas for actions, your strategy.
At that moment we were turned into captives of the State, and now kilometers of distance separate my comrades and I, sometimes few and sometimes many. In this brief period of imprisonment, our vindictive consecutive prison transfers seemingly impede the communication between us, and time has allied with the Power, in order to make us feel isolated. But this is not the case in reality.
What we left behind in that home were only the expendable materials, those that you easily replace with others. We constantly carry the rest in our minds and hearts, the plans, the ideas, the strategy, the emotions, the moments, more advanced, more prepared for battle. The distance and the time are of no importance; they are relative terms.
For me, it’s like I was sitting just yesterday at the same table with the rest of my comrades and conspiring against our next target. When we shared the same desire to attack the values and ideals of this authoritarian rotten world, we agreed that we will go on until the end; that we do not abandon one another, and do not retreat. The need of one of us becomes a decision for the rest of us.
On April 8th the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire decided to launch a hunger strike, demanding the definite transfer of Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou from Domokos prisons, as well as the cessation of vengeful prison transfers for the remaining members of the organization. The three of my comrades are currently on the fourth week of hunger strike, so the first serious health consequences have already occurred. And time passes by…
In the context of the predetermined strategy for beginning of hunger strike by each of us, on Monday, April 30th, I also begin hunger strike, and I fight to the end by decision.
Olga Ekonomidou
Member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Eleonas–Thebes women’s prisons