Nine comrades conduct hunger strike to date, namely the prisoner Spyros Dravilas (since 4/4) and the CCF imprisoned members, anarchists Gerasimos Tsakalos, Panagiotis Argirou, Christos Tsakalos (since 8/4), Damiano Bolano, Haris Hadjimihelakis, Giorgos Polidoros (since 17/4) and Giorgos Nikolopoulos (since 26/4), as well as Theofilos Mavropoulos as of today.
you may read previous updates here and there
Theofilos Mavropoulos announces beginning of hunger strike:
Because, when you attach yourself completely to a goal achievement, it’s certain that you will succeed.
Because, when you throw yourself into the battle to the bitter end, then you’ve already won.
Because comradely anarchist relationships are what we set forth and what we’re fighting for.
And finally,
because dignity knows no compromise
on Saturday 28/4 I begin HUNGER STRIKE as a token of solidarity with the comrades Gerasimos Tsakalos and Panagiotis Argirou, with the goal of achieving their definite transfer from Domokos prisons.
Theofilos Mavropoulos
Koridallos prisons, April 28th, 2012
info & more photos from the demo in Koridallos (27/4)
Mytilini (Lesvos Island, 27/4): Solidarity and anti-election short broadcast for the anarchist imprisoned hunger strikers. A solidarity initiative of comrades intervened and interrupted the 21.30hour main news bulletin on the corporate local channel ‘TV Mytilini’, which transmits over Lesvos, Chios, Lemnos islands. The banner reads: ‘STOP STARING – EVERYONE TO THE STREETS!’ The first screened text is by Stella Antoniou. Christos Tsakalos’ voice is heard during the featured audio message. The second screened text is the 9/4 declaration by CCF imprisoned members and Theofilos Mavropoulos, stating they will gradually join the hunger strike. Posters, stickers and banners come from various solidarity actions (from Athens, Thessaloniki, Igoumenitsa, to the city of Mytilini), while listed are indicative solidarity direct actions in Greece and the world.