In the spring of 2010, in Volos, we pasted posters calling for the creation of a self-managed radio station. After assemblies, discussions, parties and other events of financial aid, we began to acquire an identity within the city. A short summer break followed, but our activity went on. In September we met again, re-organized, found an appropriate space, came up with a name and set up an Internet radio station. It was named Radio ‘Parasites’.
Although the radio station is open to all, there are certain foundations on which we rely for its operation. In other words, anyone is free and welcome to participate in the project as long as they agree with its anti-hierarchical and anti-commercial character. Far off from institutions, intermediaries, representations, without leaders or experts, with our weekly assembly as our only body, we prove that we can take the expression, updates, information — at the end of the day, our lives — in our hands. After all, if we won’t function with these structures and in this way, then how will we ever do so?
Now that the beautiful shell of the world that only wants us to be workers, consumers and viewers of our lives is falling apart, now that the Power not only shows its teeth but bites us every day, and the media of mass deception try either openly or in the underground sense to perpetuate this situation, the only way left for us to respond is to place solidarity, self-organization and dignity first.
Well, yes, we are here. To make our presence felt in the city, to break illusions and undo whatever we don’t like. You may hear us on radioparasita.org and on FM soon. We came to stay.