Anarchism is not synonym of “violence” nor nonviolence of “liberal-bourgeois” whatever. While the right of self-defense always stands, nobody has the right to hijack the protests with their fetishes.
Fetishism of violence is of no help. If there has to be popular violence (and maybe it is unavoidable at some point), it will have to be when the circumstances are mature enough or it is impossible to react in any other way.
At the moment fetishism of violence is achieving nothing but to create divisions. Often such “super-anarkos” are undercover cops but in any case they have little or no support and are a nuisance at the best and a serious danger at the worst.
Salud y libertad.
Maju, are you the one to decide when violence will be used? Sorry, but you don’t speak for a whole movement. Maybe you peaceniks need to get out of the way because you’re the ones causing divisions with your hippy bullshit. The police haven’t come to these protests with tea and crumpets, they’ve come armed to the teeth.
And what do you mean by fetishism? Are you saying that all violence is fetishistic? Or maybe violence is a legitimate response to the violence of the State.
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Anarchism is not synonym of “violence” nor nonviolence of “liberal-bourgeois” whatever. While the right of self-defense always stands, nobody has the right to hijack the protests with their fetishes.
Fetishism of violence is of no help. If there has to be popular violence (and maybe it is unavoidable at some point), it will have to be when the circumstances are mature enough or it is impossible to react in any other way.
At the moment fetishism of violence is achieving nothing but to create divisions. Often such “super-anarkos” are undercover cops but in any case they have little or no support and are a nuisance at the best and a serious danger at the worst.
Salud y libertad.
Maju, are you the one to decide when violence will be used? Sorry, but you don’t speak for a whole movement. Maybe you peaceniks need to get out of the way because you’re the ones causing divisions with your hippy bullshit. The police haven’t come to these protests with tea and crumpets, they’ve come armed to the teeth.
And what do you mean by fetishism? Are you saying that all violence is fetishistic? Or maybe violence is a legitimate response to the violence of the State.