The Greek reality is certainly ridiculous. But because some of its aspects might not be as well known as it should be abroad ,it would be good to say something about the institution of student and military parade on the 28 of October.
The emetic social ritual that wants embattled army, and the likewise image of students marching in the streets of Greek cities are of fascist inspiration. The nationalist ideals find its clearest expression and their enthusiasts worldwide the opportunity to applaud. The student classes are transformed into platoons and start nurturing with the high ideals of homeland and religion. Uniformly dressed, aligned, the tall forward and the best students bearers. Military step and greeting in front of the rig of the officials. Honoring as they claim, the anti-fascist struggle of the Greek people and the famous NO against Axis forces when they asked for land and water in 1940.
Let’s see, however, some history of student marches. The inventor was Frederick of Prussia at the time of formation of nation states. In Greece, of course, the schools appear for the first time lined up on the national holiday of March 25 1924. The coming years are only scouts and students of military schools that surround military parades. In 1932, in Athens, schools parade along with scouts, the ¨ guard of the city “and nationalist organizations in front of the officials, before the monument of the Unknown Soldier. For the first time, however, parades take official and institutionalized in the years of the dictatorship of John Metaxas. The schools parade first, before military procession in front of Metaxas and the king in March 1936. In the months that followed the fascist regime of Metaxas mainly fueled by the NOY (National Organization of Youth) deals especially with the “education” of young people in the high ideals of military consciousness. Parades, gymnastic displays, torch races inspired by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
The student parades, of course do not stop in the post-civil war period but re-acquire their former glory with the advent of the military junta in 1967. The regime change in 1974 of course does not touch the institution of the parade. The left -wing, strong enough at that time, not only didn’t question them but required that associations of ‘national resistance’ fighters are included in the parade (!). So far in Greece, the curbing of children and youth passes through fascist-parades as well. Discipline, militarization and Greek flags waving.
We, as anarchists and no homeland persons will always and everywhere be against the fascist celebrations, national fanfare, the official platform and the stupefaction of society. The struggle against authority/power is the struggle of memory against oblivion. We close with an anonymous motto from the time of Metaxas dictatorship and an anti-militarist song by Georges Brassens.
and me for taste’s grace , i shit on the 4th of August*; (Grace and august make a rime in Greek language.)
* The August 4, 1936 is the date on which the period of the dictatorship of John Metaxas begins.