Anarchist Simos Seisidis was under pretrial incarceration in the “hospital” of Koridallos prisons, waiting to stand one last trial. Today, Indymedia Athens reports that Simos was acquitted of all charges in court —also, after the prosecutor’s proposal on acquittal. Tomorrow (29/5) our comrade will be released from prison. Freedom now […]
Simos Seisidis
I was, I am and I will be an anarchist. As long as I live and breathe the journey will continue —Y.Dimitrakis Anarchist Yannis Dimitrakis was arrested, heavily wounded by cop bullets, on January 16th, 2006, after the National Bank robbery on Solonos Street, in the centre of Athens. A […]
On Thursday, September 15th, an evening motorcycle rally was held in Athens, in solidarity with comrades Simos Seisidis and Aris Seirinidis who will stand trial today, Friday morning, in Degleri court. Nearly 100 bikes attended the demonstration which started from Propylaea in Panepistimiou Street, passed down central streets and ended […]
On May 3rd, 2010, wanted anarchist Simos Seisidis accidentally runs into a police patrol. In his effort to escape by running, he is shot from behind and in cold blood by the cop Panagiotis Bokos who was chasing him. His severe injury had as a result the amputation of his […]
Today, May 5th, 2011, the public prosecutor has asked for Simos Seisidis to be acquitted of the charges since there is no evidence connecting him to the robberies. Simos was declared innocent by all the judges at the Felonies Court of Appeals in Athens, as there was no evidence to […]