According to the Support Group of Salamanca, who visited the prisoner together with her mother, Noelia stopped the hunger strike on Saturday, January 26th. Nevertheless, medical malpractice continues. She is still very thin but content to hear that people are expressing their solidarity outside the walls (e.g. protest mobilizations are […]
2 posts
Wednesday, October 24: 18.00 Lecture/discussion: “Tortures and deaths in prison” Thursday, October 25: 18.00 Lecture/discussion: “Refusal to pay fines” Friday, October 26: 17.00 Gathering against prisons (Liceo Square) 19.00 Lecture/discussion: “Prison=Torture” 21.00 Pro-prisoner soli-snacks and screening of “Okupem silenci aqui es tortura” GATHERING AGAINST PRISONS Friday, October 26 at 17.00h […]