This solidarity banner, reading “Freedom for Marco – Solidarity as a weapon”, was hung out of the prison in Winterthur, where communist Andi Stauffacher is incarcerated since May 13, 2013. Click image to read an open letter of Andi, who declared work strike from 22 to 26 of January 2014 […]
Revolutionärer Aufbau
3 posts
Communist Andrea ‘Andi’ Stauffacher (member of the Revolutionärer Aufbau as well as the International Red Aid) is one of the solidarians that normally visit Marco Camenisch in prison, and since decades gives support to our anarchist comrade. Every so often the Swiss State prosecutes Andi, threatening her with imprisonment. This […]
Dear comrades, We, the imprisoned fighters of the guerrilla group Revolutionary Struggle, express our solidarity with comrade Andi, member of the Revolutionärer Aufbau in Switzerland and the Secours Rouge International (International Red Aid), who is accused for arsons by the Swiss State. Any incrimination of a comrade, anywhere in the […]