received 3/24/18 This is a summary of resent support events in Finland for the repressed comrades in Russia. On the 4th of February, Anarchist Black Cross Helsinki organized “Amazing Vegan Sunday Soli Lunch” at Lymy. The event was a success. In Tampere a support gig was held on March the […]
4 posts
The police state unleashes its full range of possibilities: early this Monday, presumably 100 faces of people, who took part in the events of Hamburg, got published. The state campaign yielded completely its disguise of prosecution and started a smear, that should break any kind of resistance. Let’s not be […]
There was a banner dropped outside the EKH (autonomous center and living project) in Vienna (Austria) in solidarity with Santiago Maldonado. SOLIDARITY IS A WEAPON! In German l Portuguese l Spanish
Pictures from solidemo with activists imprisoned in Hamburg.The demonstration was on Monday 07.08.2017 in Warsaw in the front of German embassy. in German