received 6/11/18 Today, June 11, is the international solidarity day with anarchist prisoners. That’s why, last week, we put posters up in The Hague, the Netherlands and hung a banner today with the text: ‘Freedom for all anarchist prisoners’. The solidarity day with anarchist prisoners arose to draw attention to […]
Appeal day 8: Tuesday, April 3rd 2018 9:00-17:00 (coffee at 8:00) Amtsgericht Mitte (Sievekingplatz 3, Hamburg) Eigth day of appeal trial – Peike would appreciate as much comrades as possible being present at the courthouse to support. Upcoming: Appeal Day 9: Thursday, April 5 2018 9:00 – 17:00 Appeal Day […]
Saturday / february the 17th / 15:30 Info-talk on the case of Peike from Amsterdam, currently standing trial in Hamburg for alleged participation in the G20 riots last summer. He has been convicted to 2 years and 7 months imprisonment, but on the 9th of february his higher appeal started. […]
Last weekend, we have put up an solidarity graffiti of eighty meters long opposite the police headquarters and training center of The Hague, the Netherlands with the text: Burn all prisons. The graffiti is in solidarity with Lisa and Peike who are both in German prisons. Lisa is imprisoned for […]
Received 10-01-2017 Yesterday (30-9-2017) a manifestation took place in Amsterdam in solidarity with comrades who are momentarily in prison after the G20 protests in Hamburg (Germany) this July. After the manifestation a spontaneous demonstration started through the inner city of Amsterdam. 100 people took part in the manifestation in solidarity […]