April 18th 2016 | Updates via Athens IMC: Last night, shortly after midnight, the EKAM special suppressive antiterrorist unit and other police forces raided the 1st and the 4th wing of Koridallos men’s prison. At least 150 cops, along with judicial functionaries and representatives of the justice ministry, conducted raids […]
Panos Aspiotis
3 posts
In the early hours of Monday February 15th 2016, we burned 2 ATMs located at Defteras Noemvriou Street in Volos, as a minimum response to the torture inflicted on anarchist Panagiotis Aspiotis. Cops, Judges, Hands off the Fighters Anarchists
Anarchist Panagiotis (Panos) Aspiotis was wanted since March 2013 on firearms possession charges (“violation of the Arms Act”). In October 2015, he appeared voluntarily before the authorities. He was remanded and sent to a prison located far from Athens (his former residence). During these months in prison, he has refused […]