(Original communiqué received March 19th 2016.) “Who will shatter the rock that for millennia has sat upon individual autonomy? For so long now learning to live has meant learning to die.” How many years of commercial society? How many more of “civilised” existence? And all this for what? We take […]
Nea Smyrni
3 posts
The anarchist collective “Vogliamo Tutto e per tutti” reported that on Saturday, May 10th, 2014, at midday, a scuffle took place in the square of Nea Smyrni between antifascists and a local fascist, who was carrying and used two pepper sprays. Cops appeared on the scene during the clash and, […]
On Wednesday, November 30rd, another supermarket expropriation was carried out in the southern Athens neighborhood of Nea Smyrni. As the comrades who took part in the direct action write in their communiqué: United by shared class-conscious interests, the world’s producers of wealth must respond every day to those who dominate […]