received 16.09.18 Large militant antifascist mobilisation in London. October 13. A coalition of groups including London Antifascists have made a call-out for a unity demonstration against the far right Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA). The far right have proved themselves to be a resurgent threat this year, mobilising a 20,000 […]
3 posts
Received 10-01-2017 Yesterday (30-9-2017) a manifestation took place in Amsterdam in solidarity with comrades who are momentarily in prison after the G20 protests in Hamburg (Germany) this July. After the manifestation a spontaneous demonstration started through the inner city of Amsterdam. 100 people took part in the manifestation in solidarity […]
Received on 1/09/17 Actions by the appearance of Santiago Maldonado, kidnapped by the Argentine state: Buenos Aires (10/08/17) (English/Spanish) [vsw id=”229325045″ source=”vimeo” width=”544″ height=”399″ autoplay=”no”] La Plata (24/08/17) (Spanish) [vsw id=”231455713″ source=”vimeo” width=”544″ height=”399″ autoplay=”no”] in Portuguese l Spanish