received on 29.01.18 How long will last the exploitation of prisoners by the police and courts? If there’s somebody forced to work for somebody else under the threat of violence, it’s something that we usually call enslavement or exploitation. However, if Czech police and courts use this practice, they call […]
Lukáš Borl
Received the 13th of November 2017 All power to the imagination? When extensive strikes and workers’ and students’ riots took place in France at 1968, one of the slogans back then was “All power to the imagination”. Czech police and courts now have their own interpetation. They assert their authority […]
Anarchist prisoner Lukáš Borl, currently held in a remand prison in the Czech Republic, has expressed his solidarity with all oppressed and exploited people around the world regardless their origin, sexual orientation or gender. From this perspective, he decided to send a few words of solidarity to every striking person […]
Statement to my arrest On Sunday, September 4th, 2016, I was arrested by the police in Most and then taken to the remand prison in Litomerice. Unfortunately it happened what I did not want to, but knew all along that this may occur at any time. Fortunately, I have mentally […]
As a gesture of solidarity with the recently imprisoned comrades in Italy and the Czech Republic, we hung a banner in downtown Athens, which reads: “Armed attack until the crushing of the civilization of Power & enforcement; for all the captive anarchist sisters and brothers; for all our stolen moments. […]