Squatters of London Action Paper (SLAP!) is a new London freesheet for squat news, actions, history and events. Paper copies soon available at Freedom Bookshop in Whitechapel and 56a Infoshop in Elephant and Castle. (Read Slap! First issue pdf)
31st December 2015, NYE Prisoner solidarity demonstration beginning at 8pm Pentonville, then moves onto 9.30pm Holloway START ADDRESS: HMP Pentonville, Caledonian Rd, London N7 8TT BRING NOISE MAKERS This is also in support of the call for a Black December London ABC
[Kavala, Greece] London Antifa Solidarity Tour / Talk + Social Saturday December 5th 7pm – 11pm LARC 62 Fieldgate Street London E1 1ES We will be asking for donations at the door. London Anti-Fascists are organising a short tour with a comrade from Kavala, Greece to raise awareness and solidarity […]
Received November 14th: Against Apolitical Squatting Coming to Terms In Camden, an eight-month squat is evicted by pigs and three are arrested under Section 144, the 2012 ban on residential squatting. A man in a SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SQUAT t-shirt waits for NELSN to forward a text. Two arrive from […]
Remember Przychodnia: Fight Fascism, Patriotism and Militarism! November 11th, on Armistice Day, No Fixed Abode Anti-Fascists took the steps of Euston War Memorial against patriotism and for solidarity with anti-fascist and anti-militarist struggle. Two years ago on this day, the Przychodnia squat in Warsaw successfully resisted an attack by neo-fascists […]
via ASF LDN – Anarchists in Solidarity (original description in Greek): “Night has fallen with no moon, it also got dark inside Yedi,* and yet, one palikari is unable to fall asleep. Who knows what he’s waiting for from evening till morning at the narrow window that illuminates the cell… […]
The 34th London Anarchist Bookfair will showcase anarchist ideas from around the world and across the UK. As usual it’s not just books. Thousands of Anarchists will gather to discuss everything from Austerity and , Housing to Migration or Workplace Orgainsing. Anarchists from around the world including Greece, Kurdistan, Spain, […]
Trial of anarchist Thodoris Sipsas will take place in Athens on December 1st, 2014. More information h e r e. We are welcoming you to join us on Saturday 6th of December to our benefit event for the anarchist T. Sipsas who is prosecuted for the Marfin case of 2010 […]
Click image to read a leaflet handed out at a noise demo outside Holloway prison and at a meeting in solidarity with anti-eviction fighters raided and arrested in Turin, Italy on the 3rd of June (constantly updated list of comrades in prison or house arrest here). It’s time to act […]
31/12/2013 Starting at HMP Pentonville at 8pm moving to Hollway at 9.30pm. Bring Noise makers! START ADDRESS: HMP Pentonville, Caledonian Rd, London N7 8TT London ABC