Below is a text in solidarity with Babis Tsilianidis that was spread in early September 2013, by the Anarchists assembly for the connection of struggles within the prison-society (“Sasta”) in Thessaloniki, Greece: “Those who live are those who fight; those whose soul and forehead are possessed of a firm design; […]
Koridallos prisons
September 4, 2013 “Others unthinkingly followed the paths learned once and for all, to their work and their home, to their predictable future. For them duty had already become a habit, and habit a duty. They did not see the deficiency of their city. They thought the deficiency of their […]
On Friday, October 4, 2013 the defense lawyer of Babis Tsilianidis was informed, completely by chance, that the comrade’s request for an interruption of serving sentence will be examined on October 16 at Thessaloniki courts. We will take anarchist captives back where they belong: to the streets! Solidarity to anarchist […]
Imprisoned comrade Babis Tsilianidis had requested an interruption of serving sentence. On September 18, the hearing was postponed to January 15, 2014 due to a strike of judicial personnel. However the application for probation was resubmitted, so a new hearing was scheduled for this year. A judicial council will examine […]
September 4, 2013 “To my goal I will go—on my own way; over those who hesitate and lag behind I shall leap. Thus let my going be their going under.” Friedrich Nietzsche This open letter is not addressed to the official milieu and its weathered structures. I despise its stereotypes, […]
Anarchist revolutionary Babis Tsilianidis is imprisoned since January 2011, and currently held in Koridallos prison, Athens. He has faced a series of court proceedings, in all of which he has refused to attend. The comrade received suspended sentences at those trials, and this fact would have sufficed for his immediate […]
On Monday, July 15th, 2013 anarchist Vaggelis Stathopoulos was granted his release from prison under restrictive conditions (2,000 euro monetary bail, obligation to present himself twice a month to his nearest police station, ban from exiting the country). Solidarity with anarchist Kostas Gournas, imprisoned member of the Revolutionary Struggle, and […]
On July 5th, 2013 it became known that the motion of Christoforos Kortesis for conditional release was accepted. The comrade walked out of Koridallos prison under restrictive orders (2,000 euro monetary bail, obligation to present himself twice a month to his nearest police station, ban from exiting the country). Freedom […]
On the morning of June 17th, Kostas Sakkas was evacuated from the Koridallos prison’s hospital to the general hospital of Nikaia, in Piraeus. The comrade is in critical condition. Message from a fellow prisoner in struggle, on Corfu Island, in solidarity with Kostas Sakkas: I stand in solidarity with the […]
GUARD DOGS, KEEP WATCH OVER YOUR BOSSES [slogan to the cops] Friday night, April 19th, 2013 at Exarchia: some people decide to show factually to MAT anti-riot squads that they’re undesirable in the area. Clashes, tear gases and manhunt follow. I leave my company of friends in the café where […]
Over the past few days, numerous acts of solidarity took place throughout Greece in solidarity with imprisoned anarchist Kostas Sakkas, who is on hunger strike since the 4th of June 2013 fighting for his immediate release. On the 11th of June, a treating physician reported that clinically he has profound […]
As has been known, in the first days of January 2013, I suffered a serious head injury after an accident. What followed were two successive head surgeries and a three-month stay in various hospitals. Of course, for some time now, I have escaped danger and I’m on the mend, awaiting […]