Rue Haxo, in the 19th arrondissement of Paris Early this Thursday, September 11th, a van of Vinci was engulfed in flames, because Vinci constructs and manages prisons and detention centres. Incarceration and borders kill, as was recently the case with Abdelhak Goradia.* It’s not enough to make denouncements, and so, […]
Between the 26th and 27th of August, a truck and three utility vehicles of the Paris city council were set on fire in the XIth arrondissement, on Pétion street. Because, like all powers, the city council oppresses and exploits. source:
A banner was placed in central square of Marseille, and the text of the prisoners was distributed in French. SOLIDARITY TO IMPRISONED COMRADES ON HUNGER STRIKE. SOLIDARITY IS OUR WEAPON!
On the night of May 19th to 20th, 453 Vélib’ bikes had their tires punctured in several districts of Paris; same thing with 5 utility vehicles and 3 trucks of the municipality. This attack is just a drop of water in an average of 8,000 damages they suffer per year. […]
I wanted to put a spoke in the wheels of such a shitty corporation as JCDecaux, that publicly boast of putting prisoners to work. In the night of May 7th, I slashed the tires of 80 Vélib’ bikes as well as of three vans and a truck of the municipality […]
Cops, judges, screws: get your hands off! On February 22nd, 2014, more than 50,000 people gathered in Nantes for the biggest anti-airport demonstration ever. As it was declared illegal by the prefecture, it quickly faced stunning repression; hundreds of over-armed cops surrounded the demo while a huge anti-riot wall blocked […]
On the night of April 15th to 16th, the embassy of Belarus in Paris was repainted; this was a small gesture of solidarity with the comrades Dzmitry S. and Dzmitry Z., convicted for opposing neo-Nazis in their region.
In the night of 19th to 20th of February 2014, the houses of justice and law (MJD) located in rue de Boucheries (Saint-Denis suburb), Bernard et Mazoyer street (Aubervilliers suburb) and Buisson Saint-Louis street (10th arrondissement of Paris) were attacked. Glass windows were shattered in all three. The slogan “fuck […]
February 28, 2014 We are a group of people from different countries and different political backgrounds who are fighting for the right to housing for everyone, whatever their origin. We announce that we have occupied (now for more than 48 hours) empty and abandoned public buildings in different parts of […]
On the night of February 22nd, we poured a mixture of sand and water into the fuel tanks of two tractors used in the construction of a new Atlanta streetcar. The streetcar is one of many major development projects the city has initiated in the past few years as a […]
On January 26th, the fascist organizers of the “Day of Anger” march gathered many of their militants in Paris. They paraded with clearly anti-Semitic slogans and Nazi salutes. Neo-Nazi groups (such as the Petainists youth) were alongside the National Front (FN) politicians, as well as many representatives of clearly fascist […]
GADI (international direct action group) claims the incendiary attack on the Church of Christ, Scientist in Pau (64000, France / in the small hours of February 8, 2014) that serves as a rear-guard base for fascists of the FN [National Front]. From the early 90s until today, about a hundred […]