[vimeo]http://vimeo.com/64288166[/vimeo] This video was made in response to an international call for solidarity to the struggle in Egypt (April 19th, 2013). We salute our comrades in Egypt and all over the world. Many thanks to Mo Al for the translation in Arab. Anarchists from Heraklion, Crete (Greece)
On the 6th of February, in answer to a worldwide call-out to support anarchists in Egypt facing repression, we gathered outside the Egyptian consulate in Melbourne. A related invitation can be found here. Below are photos from the action. read more on disaccords
The need of Oreo (Beauty) is a rhythm for human existence. And the whole world’s life revolves around this need, which gave birth to arts and sciences and systems. Everyone pursue beauty passionately as their own. And those who cherish it in their neighbor want it for themselves, as well […]
On March 30th, in Cairo, protesters pulled down some of the almost five-metre concrete walls that the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) of Egypt had built at the entrances around Tahrir Square, in order to defend governmental buildings and to stifle the fierce clashes.
December 17th: The video shows military–police forces attacking relentlessly and killing protesters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2gzHNgj1oA&context=C305080dADOEgsToPDskKO5Ok8KKKzHN4fN5stGllX December 16th: Testimony of a young protester who was viciously beaten by the army (with Greek/English subtitles). December 16th–19th: Four Days of Death (by mosireen) URGENT SOLIDARITY WITH OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN EGYPT!