On the evening of 26/1, the Rectorate Authorities of the university with 4 NGOs (non-governmental organizations) held a meeting for the removal of the immigrants on hunger strike from the university asylum of the Law School of Athens. In Greece, in order for the university asylum to be violated, it […]
At this moment (17.45 GMT+2) heavy riot police forces have encircled the Law School building in Athens, immediately after the decision by the 300 migrants in hunger strike to stay in the building. The migrants’ assembly decided they would stay despite the demand by university authorities and the government that they move out. The […]
In the centre of Athens, inside the building of the Law School (in Solonos Street), the hunger strike of 250 immigrants-workers has begun from Monday, 25 January 2011. Similarly, 50 immigrants-workers hunger strikers inside the Labor Centre of Thessaloniki claim the obvious: unconditional legalization for all immigrants who live and […]
On Sunday, 23 January, 300 immigrant workers arrived at the port of Piraeus from Crete island (more photos | videos) to begin a nationwide hunger strike. On the same day 50 of the 300 immigrants arrived at the Labor Centre of Thessaloniki in order to participate in this hunger strike. […]
On Sunday, 23 January, 250 immigrant workers arrived at the port of Piraeus from Crete island to begin a nationwide hunger strike. On the same day 50 of the 300 immigrants arrived at the Labor Centre of Thessaloniki in order to participate in this hunger strike.
We are immigrants and refugees from across Greece. We came here persecuted by poverty, unemployment, wars, and dictatorships. Western multinational companies and their political servants in our countries, left us with no choice but to risk our lives ten times to get to the door of Europe. The West which […]
Lately, apart from the significant cuts in wages and the monstrous laws that the government and the IMF pass, there are tremendous increases in the prices of products and services. Of course the government wouldn’t let public transport fares out. Apart from the increases of rail fares in National Railways […]
On Wednesday January 12, workers in the public transport came to a strike for a few hours. The next day, Thursday, January 13, they proceed to a 24-hour strike, although the so called Justice rushed to declare, as always, all strikes illegal and abusive, confirming once again its class role. […]
Letter by Sarantos Nikitopoulos’ parents Déjà vu (As long as we leave these practices unanswered, they’ll keep repeating as a bad hoax) With feelings of anger, we witnessed the previous days’ orgy of disinformation fed by the Greek police against Marie Fee Meyer. The vile lies about her parents came […]
In 1974, German novelist Heinrich Böll publishes a short story that is now considered an archetypical example of the critique against a certain practice of the newspapers. The book, widely known today, was titled The lost honor of Katharina Blum and deals with the story of an ordinary girl who […]
The poster reads: Shortly before the parliamentary elections of 2009, the anti-terror cops invaded the house of Haris Hadjimihelakis in Halandri (northern suburb of Athens), where they awaited him and arrested him. Three more people were arrested, P.Massouras, M.G. and his girlfriend. Hadjimihelakis, Massouras and M.G. were held in pretrial […]