Postal addresses of the imprisoned members of the R.O. CCF (14/7)

Updated addresses here: conspiracycellsoffire

Postal addresses of the nine imprisoned members of the Revolutionary Organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

For correspondence/communication with the prisoners–members of the R.O. CCF, we publish their postal addresses:

Christos Tsakalos, Grevena general detention facility [Geniko katastima kratisis Grevenon], 51 100 Grevena, Greece

Gerasimos Tsakalos, Domokos prisons [Filakes Domokou], 35 010 Domokos, Fthiotida, Greece

Damiano Bolano, Domokos prisons [Filakes Domokou], 35 010 Domokos, Fthiotida, Greece

Panagiotis Argirou, Koridallos judicial prisons [Dikastikes filakes Koridallou], 18 110 Koridallos, Athens, Greece

Haris Hadjimihelakis, Koridallos judicial prisons [Dikastikes filakes Koridallou], 18 110 Koridallos, Athens, Greece

Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Komotini judicial prison [Dikastiki filaki Komotinis], 69 100 Komotini, Greece

Giorgos Polidoros, Corfu closed prison [Klisti filaki Kerkiras], 49 100 Corfu Island, Greece

Olga Ekonomidou, Eleonas–Thebes general detention facility [Geniko katastima kratisis Eleona Thivon], 32 200 Thebes, Viotia, Greece

Michalis Nikolopoulos, Trikala closed prison [Klisti filaki Trikalon], 42 100 Trikala, Greece

For better and more direct communication, a post office box will be opened soon which will be published on IMC-Athens.

Comrades in solidarity
Thursday, July 14th, 2011

Also: Poster in solidarity to political prisoners by the Anarchist Hangout Utopia A.D. in Komotini, northern Greece