A doctor who examined the comrade at Koridallos prison on Thursday morning, November 13th – during the fourth day of hunger strike – reports that 21-year-old Nikos Romanos has lost 3.2 kg of body weight and feels intense weakness and fatigue even after very mild exertion, such as walking from the cell to the prison infirmary. His blood glucose level (measured by finger stick) was 64.
Between the 13th and the 14th of November, 75 prisoners in the Ε wing of Koridallos men’s prison abstained from meals in solidarity with their fellow inmate Romanos.
Comrades from Athens solidarity assembly, which was organized especially for this case, inform that the special appellate judge Eftichis Nikopoulos formally rejected the motion of educational furloughs that Romanos is entitled to since September 2014. Prior to the hunger strike, the same interrogator said he was not competent to decide on the matter; on Thursday, however, he notified the prison board that the comrade’s request is denied.
On the 19th of November, at 18:00, there will be another assembly in the Athens Polytechnic School (Gini building) in Exarchia, where people in solidarity will be able to hear directly from anarchist Nikos Romanos – through phone call – about his current struggle.