received 10/12/18
Radical anti-abortionists of „Euro Pro Life e. V.“ and „Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lebensschutz München“ are planning a „1000 crosses for life“ march through the city of Munich on the 27th of October to protest against abortions.
We will not accept this kind of antifeminist and homophobic propaganda and will respond to the march accordingly. That’s why we’re calling for a feminist demonstration to claim our right for physical and sexual self-determination and creative actions to sabotage the march. Join us at 1pm at the Max-Joseph-Platz in Munich.
27th of October 2018, 1pm, Max-Joseph-Platz, Munich
In times of mass-mobilizations by right-wing forces we have to defend hard-fought achievements, forge alliances and join forces to develop our emancipatory positions further and bring them to the streets. This is especially relevant because the „Pro Life“ movement is hugely benefitting from the right-wing backlash. They don’t only profit from it, with their concept of the heterosexual, white family, they are also intentionally spreading (extrem) right positions.
On the 27th of October radical anti-abortionists will march through Munich. They have a Christian worldview and are demanding to make abortions illegal.
They pretend to be „pro life“ and pretend to represent a „culture of life“ … this is complete travesty when you look at the 47,000 people dying each year worldwide because they do not have access to safe abortions.
Pro Choice doesn’t mean pro abortions. But a world where no one needs abortions won’t exists. There always were abortions and there always will be abortions. This is why we’re fighting for a world in which a pregnant person can take a decision without being harassed and pressured by radical anti-abortionists, stigmatized by the society or criminalized by the State.
Contrary to the assumption of many abortions are still illegal in Germany and will be prosecuted with up to three years in prison if the pregnant person doesn’t stick to the rules. One of these rules is that someone who wants to get an abortion has to go to a counselor to get a certificate and wait for a minimum of three days before a doctor can perform the abortion. To apply criminal law to abortions is the ultimate expression of our patriarchal society. This is why we demand to eliminate §218 StGB!
Another paragraph that anti-abortionists misuse to pressure doctors is §219 StGB, which regulates advertising for abortions. Due to the ambivalent legislation people who need factual and balanced information about abortions struggle to get it. This is why we demand to eliminate §219a StGB and express our solidarity with doctors who are affected.
Many positions of „Pro Life“ activists are conservative, right-wing and nationalist. They’re pushing the white, heterosexual small family as the sought after norm and thereby agitate agains queer people and LGBTI*. They’re collaborating with (extrem) right forces such as the parties Christlich Demokratische Union/ Christlich Soziale Union (CDU/CSU) or the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). A high-level representative of the CDU sent his greetings to the homophobe „Marsch für das Leben“ (march for life) in Berlin, an AfD representative publicly wished that „migration to Germany should happen through the birth canal of German women“. Others relativize NS crimes by putting abortions on the same level as the Shoa calling it „Babycaust“.
These disgusting positions can’t go unchallenged – not in Berlin, Salzburg, Bern, Munich or anywhere else in the world. Because we love who we want, and we live how we want.
Our demands
- self-determination when it comes to gender and sexuality
- the elimination of §218 and §219a StGB
- full cost reimbursement by the insurances in case of an abortion
- more clinics and medical practices where abortions are carried out
- abortion as a compulsory part of the medical education
- elimination of the possibility to not perform an abortion due to doctor’s conscience issues
- access to free contraceptives
- social rethink: it shouldn’t matter if a child is born with or without a handicap. We are against the normative selection through prenatal diagnosis
- equality for all ways of living
Our feminist struggle includes the fight against state, nation and capital. If you can identify with these demands, join us on the 27th of October 2018 at 1pm at the Max-Joseph-Platz in Munich. Protest for an emancipated society and against patriarchy.
Right-wing and conservative forces are not welcome at our demonstration.
More informations: prochoicemuc.noblogs.org
in German