Hambach Forest, Germany: Cutting Season ’17


The start of October also marks the start of the annual cutting season – the time between October and February during which RWE has permission to clear the forest. The company cuts 70-80ha every year. But not much is left of the Hambach Forest, and the occupied trees are again very close to the clear-cut edge. In order to prevent that the majority of the remaining forest will be cut in the coming months, and the occupation from being evicted, we have to be many. That’s why we hope that as many people as possible can join us this Autumn and Winter – protecting the forest and actively working against climate change and the exploitation of people and the environment.

We have put together a call to action and translated it into different languages. Please help us spread it!

We do not only want people to come, but we want everyone to be able to be active in the best way possible. That’s why we put together a plan and hope we’ll be able to realise it together with you

October onwards

Beginning in October and continuing to the end of the cutting season, we will bring life to the area designated for deforestation to such an extent that RWE won’t be able to cut. To achieve this, we want to occupy as many trees as possible, so that they first have to evict the entire area before starting to cut. We will accompany any evictions with our own media channels. We will show the world that RWE wants to profit from destruction at every price. Our strongest weapon is, that we take care of each other. Everyone should only do actions with which they feel comfortable. The large tree houses should be accessible for everyone and be used as spaces for relax and take a break. We will try to carry repressions communally. We have organised out of action spaces throughout Germany.

We believe that we can stop deforestation as a group! Turn theory into praxis and live a life of resistance! In Hambach and everywhere else.

Pack list

If you want to come by during the cutting season, the following things might come in handy:

  • Any medicine you need to take
  • Water tight shoes, even better if you’ve got two pairs, in case one needs to dry…
  • Rain clothes
  • Sleeping bag
  • (Air) matress
  • Camouflage clothing (trousers, jacket, balaclava)
  • Knife
  • Head torch
  • Lighter
  • Toothbrush 🙂
  • If you’ve got one, a tent, otherwise we’ll find a place for you to sleep
  • If you have allergies, food that is suitable for you
  • small book for personal notes
  • sturdy, robust clothing
  • harness, if you’ve got one. There are some communal ones in the forest
  • Working gloves

in German