On April 4th 2015, anarchist prisoner Angeliki Spyropoulou announced the end of her hunger strike, considering that the demand for the release of both relatives of CCF members is soon to be met. Below is an excerpt from her statement.
(…) Thus, after 32 days, and as the mother of the comrades as well as the companion of one of them are due for release, I also put an end to hunger strike. We gave this battle drawing invaluable strength from the polymorphous solidarity movement that was shaped outside the prison walls. The fiery glances of people who realised the exigency – which demanded and still demands prompt action, given that several political prisoners continue their struggle – warmed our hearts. This victory is as much ours as it is yours.
Strength and solidarity to all the hunger strikers who unrepentantly continue the fight until the fulfillment of their demands
On the black edge of death we will conquer life… in laughter
Not one step backwards in the face of the enemies of freedom
Everything continues…
Angeliki Spyropoulou
Koridallos women’s prison