Anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos is on hunger strike since November 10, 2014, requesting to make use of educational furloughs from prison, to which he is entitled since September 2014. Nikos is currently in Athens general hospital Gennimatas, under a strong custody of the police. Physician Pantelia (Lina) Vergopoulou, who visited him today 28/11, reports that the comrade remains in a critical condition, threatened with life-threatening complications. Late at night over 200 comrades and friends of Nikos gathered once again opposite the hospital to send their direct solidarity (audio).
Anarchist prisoner Yannis Michailidis is on hunger strike since November 17, 2014, as a form of solidarity with the struggle of Nikos Romanos. As of today Yannis Michailidis needed to be hospitalized, too, after he was diagnosed with bradycardia. Yannis is currently in Piraeus general hospital Tzaneio, under a strong custody of the police.
Both comrades stand firm and continue their hunger strike.
Active solidarity across borders!