Bolivia: Update on the case of comrade Henry Zegarrundo

From the album “Furia y Candela” of compa Henry

Henry Zegarrundo is an anti-authoritarian comrade arrested on May 29th, 2012 in La Paz, in the context of a large-scale repressive operation against various sectors of anarchism in Bolivia. Henry is accused of attacks carried out by cells of the Informal Anarchist Federation/International Revolutionary Front. He was locked up in preventive custody for almost a year. After consecutive postponements of his trial, on May 2nd, 2013 he was finally released from prison under the measure of house arrest.

On March 12th, 2014 this restrictive condition was modified, and Henry was placed under nighttime house arrest. We are pleased to know that he is able to walk out to the streets again, even if only during daytime, but we have to remind ourselves that the comrade is being held hostage by the Bolivian judiciary system, which is known for its preposterous trial delays. In this context, the hearing for Henry’s case set for the 17th of March was once again suspended.