As some of you already know, one day a couple of weeks ago a group of uniformed crap (see “Carabiniers of Chile”) detained me and stole (“seized”) about 20 books and 10 brochures while I was standing at the bookstall where I used to spread, publicly and openly, ideas of rebellion against the existent through publications, booklets and pamphlets.
Given this situation, those who used to pass by that place to talk, discuss, share, criticize, joke, insult, etc. will no longer find me there, for I have decided to leave this physical space in order to avoid similar situations, which can be prevented or dealt with better when we outnumber them.
I knew they would harass that annoying instance of propagation and tension in ideas around anarchy on any pretext—this time under the legal concept of “intellectual property breach.” In view of this fact, this anarchic project of agitation will stubbornly continue on its familiar course: publishing, translation, dissemination, exchange, tension.
“Even though we receive blows, they will not see us defeated!”
Sembrando Tormentas, February 2014.