Everyday repression in the context of “No M.A.T.” struggle (against the construction of the very high tension power line) I was stopped by the police on the path to the gas station. What started as what I thought was a random ID check turned into me being arrested due to […]
Daily Archives: October 1, 2013
During the night between the 18th and 19th of September 2013 several ATM screens were smashed in Espoo (city of the Helsinki metropolitan area). This act was a response to the murder of Pavlos Fyssas by a member of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn. Antifascist struggle means also action against capitalism. […]
During the night between the 23rd and 24th of September 2013 the facade of the Greek embassy in Helsinki was vandalized. “In memoriam of Pavlos Fyssas, the fight continues!” was sprayed on the outer wall. In addition the embassy’s wall was decorated with anarchist symbols and windows of the staircase […]
We gathered on Sunday 29.9.2013 in Tampere, Finland at Pispala esker next to the Memorial of the Red Guards to remember and show our solidarity to all antifascists fighting in Greece. The memory of Pavlos shines bright in our hearts, and will continue to feed us in the struggles against […]