“On Thursday, August 2nd, we dropped a solidarity banner in solidarity with occupied spaces, in the context of ten anti-repression days declared by the translation counter-information network Contra Info.
In the same context of propaganda actions, late in the evening of Sunday, August 5th, at 22.00 (GMT+2) the anarchist radio-revolt will broadcast a thematic radio show regarding the authorities’ strenuous efforts to suppress (once again) Delta squat in recent days, with the assistance of the public electric power corporation (DEI), which has attempted to cut off the squat’s electricity supply. The live radio broadcast will include updates on repressive attacks against other squats and self-organized spaces.”
In a latest Radio Revolt text in solidarity with Delta squat, the comrades call people to join the morning PA’s gathering that will be held on Monday, August 6th, by 10.00am at Delta squatted space, as well as attend the open assembly that will follow, at 13.00pm, in downtown Thessaloniki.
Listen to the free radio Radio Revolt (in Greek), at 128kbps and 48kbps, here.
One thought on “Thessaloniki, Greece: Banner drop by the anarchist Radio Revolt in solidarity with squatted spaces”
Vote for Nobody…! Nobody stops the war. Nobody will give you a job. Nobody really cares. Nobody helps you not to go hungry or with suplies for your medication. Nobody wants a piece of the cake. WE WANT THE WHOLE FUCKINJG BAKERY…!!