‘Go find yourself a revolver; the sooner the better. Buy, borrow or rob one. You should be armed, that’s the point. When the working class, conscious and armed, demands their rights to life and freedom, then you will see how the thrones and tyrants fall. As long as you keep […]
Daily Archives: May 7, 2012
Disciplinary transfer of Olga Ekonomidou, imprisoned member of the R.O. CCF, from Eleonas–Thebes women’s prisons to Diavata women’s prisons / get the details here -> actforfreedomnow [Thessaloniki] On Tuesday, May 8th, 2012, at 20.00 in the University of Thessaloniki there will be an assembly for the coordination of solidarity actions […]
In this corporate video, one can see how the Golden Dawn pigs force the journalists—vultures of the mass media who were waiting the press conference of the leader of the neo-Nazi party—to stand up when Michaloliakos gets into the room, through threats and cries about respect to the Führer.
We received a mail from ParoleArmate, writing that translations and more updates return to Culmine’s page as it was before. Culmine‘s contact mail is now iconoclasta(at)riseup(dot)net ParoleArmate‘s contact mail is parolearmate(at)distruzione(dot)org