On April 21st, tension broke out once again at the CIE (Centre of Identification and Expulsion) on Brunelleschi Street in Turin. At dawn, a migrant requested to be repatriated immediately, as soon as he learned that his father had died, thus he demanded to go back home. The authorities’ negative […]
Daily Archives: April 30, 2012
May 1st LIBERTARIAN BLOCK May Day is a day of struggle and commemoration. One more battle against the State and capitalism. A date landmark for confrontation which started in 1886 among strikes and riots, in a combative context against wage slavery and merchandise, and after that five anarchists were hanged. […]
Three posters for an anti-capitalist/anarchist demo on May 1st, 2012, one calling for a general social strike on May Day, another by anonymous anarchists, and a third by the Convergence of Anti-Capitalist Struggles (CLAC-Montréal). read also Anarchist contingent, Montréal, May Day 2012
This is a poster pasted on the walls of the city and seaport of Trieste, after the intervention of the civil protection department (Protezione Civile) in the Rosandra valley, located in the Karst Plateau —or Carso, a limestone borderline plateau region extending in southwestern Slovenia and northeastern Italy. On March […]