A few days ago we were summoned for a preliminary investigation by the anti-terrorist unit, in the prisons where we’re detained. This investigation concerns our possible prosecution according to Article 184 of the Penal Code, under which ‘Whoever publicly causes or triggers in any manner a felony or misdemeanor commitment, shall be punished with up to 3 years imprisonment.’ The investigation refers to the text which we had published in solidarity with the anarchist hangout Nadir.
The police’s persecution of texts is nothing new within the circles of insurrectionary anarchy.
On the contrary, there are precedents for similar persecutions in countries such as Italy, Chile, etc. where there is a strong presence of comrades who promote direct action.
The common pursuit of the contemporary international thoughtpolice is the prevention of anarchist propaganda of the deed and the dissemination of our ideas.
That’s why in these cases they do not hesitate to remove the gentrificated facade of democracy that supposedly allows the ‘free flow of speech and ideas.’
Thus, any remaining illusions that some people may have, now vanish. Things become clear: the anarchist action or discourse will be either illegal or nothing at all!
At this very moment, the new thoughtpolice is applied piloted against us, the imprisoned members of the anarchist revolutionary organization CCF, and against comrade Theofilos Mavropoulos.
It is certain that in future this strategy of preventive repression and persecution of texts will also be applied against those anarchist hangouts and self-organized projects that defend and spread anarchist principles.
At the same time, this new persecution is a general rehearsal of the new anti-terrorism law which the State wants to implement.
The new anti-terror law is actually a repressive upgrade of the Article 184 which establishes the preventive suppression of subversive expression. Under its provisions, the publication and distribution of practical manuals for action or texts that promote the anarchist urban guerrilla warfare shall be treated as ‘terrorist acts’ and be punishable by years of imprisonment.
In this way Power seeks to count reactions and silences.
However, it’s not the first time that we’re faced with the cops and prosecutors of thought. A few months ago a new persecution was unleashed against our sister Olga Ekonomidou and our brother Giorgos Polidoros, who had co-signed the international brochure ‘The Sun Still Rises’ as members of CCF. With the joint signature as sole evidence, their names were added in the case file for the 14 incendiary parcels that were sent to embassies and international police–prosecution organizations, for which our organization claimed responsibility.
All these facts form new ties in the judicial Gordian knot that is wrapped around the CCF. The cops of the anti-terrorist unit in cooperation with the special appellate investigators, who have undertaken our prosecution, are inventing a hostageship of constant new indictments at our expense. The court order against our comrade Haris Hadjimihelakis was obviously not accidentally inspired, since he was accused of moral instigation in the parcels’ case (even without any ‘evidence’ via phone tapping) just before his release from prison on the grounds of reaching the limit of 18month pretrial detention.
Furthermore, the State has unleashed so far four different trials against the CCF, which will be carried out in the future.
This judicial campaign against us will be inaugurated with the trial regarding three explosions (at the home of New Democracy deputy interior minister Panagiotis Hinofotis, at the Macedonia–Thrace ministry, at the home of PASOK official Louka Katseli), as well as the possession of one explosive device in Halandri’s house. The four comrades who were still wanted during the first hearing of the case, will now be judged by this court. Its start date has been set for December 14th.
In addition, most members of the CCF will also stand trial for the December’s six case (six people of the anarchist milieu arrested for possession of weapons and explosives). In this trial, three members of the CCF will be tried on charges of ‘leadership role in the organization’.
Then comes the trial of the booby-trapped parcels, which we will highlight as the central hearing of our organization, since all nine members of the CCF will stand trial together for the first time. There is also the case file against the five members regarding their arrest in Volos, which was joined with the case file of the gunfight with cops in Pefki (Athens), and so we’re prosecuted along with our brother Theofilos Mavropoulos.
At the same time two comrades of the organization (Christos Tsakalos, Giorgos Nikolopoulos) are prosecuted in Italy too, for the mailing of the booby-trapped parcel to Berlusconi.
Of course, there are still tens of open case files regarding CCF’s attacks at the desks of inquisitors.
It is a fact that over the last two years the names of those arrested for anarchist action are rotating as fast as someone leafs through a telephone directory.
The arrests, prosecutions, incarcerations, convictions shape a relatively common situation due to their frequency.
The State implements the strategy of shock, seeking to create an acceptable reality where henceforth no one would question anything, nor would be surprised by all that’s happening. Imagine how it would look like, a few years ago, if some anarchist prisoners had been prosecuted because of one of their texts. Today, Power attempts to establish a conceptual and practical wilderness within the metropolises and their periphery.
But we insist on speaking and taking action. We realize that perhaps our texts do not appeal to many people, but we know that there are still new comrades who do not like conveniences or to wait in their line until the next demonstration, in order to take action, leaving the interim period in standby and inertia mode.
Moreover, the anarchist guerrilla action has no start or expiration date; on the contrary, it breaks out 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
These are the wolves we’re looking for; they who make the nights in metropolis more interesting, carrying along them fumes from petrol and rage. They are the new nihilists, the anarchoindividualists, the comrades of the new insurrectionary wave, the tendency of anti-socialism (anti-societism), who come together on the threshold of the deed.
Our words escape from prison in an attempt to break the paper wall of texts and be turned into actions. It’s a way of communication with our sisters and brothers, not only in Greece but also internationally, so as to support and promote the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI) and the International Revolutionary Front (IRF).
That is why, within this judicial cyclone which has been unleashed against us, the new preliminary investigation by the anti-terrorist unit aiming at a further prosecution because of our statement of solidarity with the hangout Nadir, gives us joy and makes us feeling stronger.
Apparently, even though we’re locked up in prison, they bear us in mind and are concerned about the spread of our discourse. We sincerely want to vindicate their concerns.
For this, we do our very best.
In addition, the prosecution regarding this solidarity text confirms the authentic substance of speech; because the anarchist discourse is the quintessence of life that we ourselves define through our acts.
So let us repeat, to remove any doubt they might have.
Take our words literally.
That’s who we are, nothing more, nothing less.
The imprisoned members of the R.O. CCF
and revolutionary anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos

source: athens.indymedia.org